Ancient Earth Skills Grand Opening SALE Ends on

Want to Be an Animal ?

Then you have to Move Like One!

Adapt your Absolute Best Body

with our

World Class Life Changing Training!

Take the first step today!

Now is the time to begin a whole new life.

Couch Potato to Wild Critter is for all who wish to raise their Ultimate Fitness bar, Recover from Injury, or get off the couch.

Ancient Earth Skills

Grand Opening SALE! 

Join before to get 75%off, early access, a private group where you get your questions answered daily, and more! Lifetime access to everything is just $48 (Normally $198)

The first 1000 people to sign up get %50 off a private fitness and nutrition consultation.

Offer Expires Soon.

5-Star Rating

"Len guides practical, creative, primal, functional movement, for all skills levels, in a way only Len can! This training has allowed me to engage life with more stability, playfulness, ease, and strength. "

- Kate F.

5-Star Rating

"Exercising with Len is an EXPERIENCE! He challenges you incrementally with moves you've likely never thought of.

It seemed unconventional at first, but sticking with it I feel stronger, and more confident in what my body can do, than ever before." - Precious H.

5-Star Rating

"Len is incredible when it comes to fitness and nutrition! He tailors everything to my goals and modifies when life changes come up, ensuring I am always on track. His passion and dedication are truly unmatched - highly recommend working with him!"

- Shu J.

Let's Face it, we all share these 4 problems...

We Get One Body,

One Life,

One Chance, to Make it Good

and Make it Better!

Human Problem #1

Use it or Lose it!

From 26 years old on, your metabolism slows down 2% every year. The body wants to rest, and we grow complacent. Sadly, most people lose their ability to move so slowly, they do not notice what's been lost, until it's gone.

They are unable to play with their children, or grandchildren, or move easily from the ground. Without training, day after day, we gradually degenerate.

Human Problem #2

Injury & Bad Habits!

Habitual patterns of movement, a sedentary lifestyle, or the failure to rehabilitate injury creates weakness in our body, often leading to repeated injury, chronic pain, and postural misalignment. We often stop and atrophy, instead of making progress and adopting a corrective movement plan.

Human Problem #3

Ignorance can hurt you.

If we are never taught how to move correctly, or offered a chance to discover the limits of our body awareness: balance, strength, flexibility, and fluid mobility, we will never know our potential for true freedom. Freedom of movement, and our highest quality of life, is still only a thought instead of an actual experience. All skills are learned and require practice.

Human Problem #4

Ego and Procrastination.

The ego may not acknowledge: weakness, ignorance, or unhealthy imbalance in our body. It does not want to appear unskilled, inadequate, or feel uncomfortable. It may tell us, "I already know that. Why change and try something different? I'm too fit, or too fat, for that. I don't need to do that now. I can wait till tomorrow."

Then tomorrow never comes.

To solve these problems we are proud to introduce:

Couch Potato to Wild Critter

Become a Durable Human!

Safely Recover from Injury + Increase Strength & Metabolism!

Corrective movement rehabilitates injury, and strengthens your weak areas. Along with proper resistance and interval training, you will maximize your metabolic rate, providing a foundation for long term health, maintenance and growth.

Re-Wild the Body

Re-Train your Brain!

With this training you change your brain, permanently break old habits, develop a whole new body and awareness of it's potential. You embody confidence, balance, fluidity, and natural power, as you create true freedom of movement. Move as a child, a ninja, a wild animal!

Over Come Aging

Avoid Falls & Injury

Our course material fortifies 360° of core and pelvic stability, establishes your ability to balance on one leg, stand from the ground, and transfer weight unlike any other training in the world. Fusing corrective movement, dance, ninjutsu, and animal forms: falling and rolling becomes fun!

Plus So Much More!

Scroll down to see everything you get lifetime access to...

Couch Potato to Wild Critter

Course Curriculum

Corrective Critter - Phase #1

  • Safely Adapt Maximum Health with our

  • Video Library of Corrective Movement that provide Specific and Progressive Lessons. Doing the exercises in this program will:

  • Repair the Body and Recover from Injury

  • Restore Mobility thru Stability

  • Eliminate and Reduce Chronic Pain

  • Correct Problems of Balance: Pelvis & Posture

  • Get Butt Off Couch & Keep Booty Movin Baby!

  • Prepares you for all Life Activities & Phase #2

Course Feature

Low & Slow Critter - Phase #2

  • Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast!

    Moving slow actually Speeds up your progress allowing you to achieve movement goals faster.

  • Develop True Strength! Slow builds neurological power, conditions connective tissue, and allows you to grow strong faster.

  • Dynamic Compass Lunge, Squat, & Plank Series

    Our 360° study of the body, created and tested to enhance any lifestyle, activity, sport, or daily practice, regardless of age.

Course Feature

Nimble Critter - Phase #3

  • Master Your Balance

  • Develop Cat Like Reflexes

  • Jump, Hop, Leap and Test your limits!

  • Expand Your Range of Motion

  • Land Softly Quiet and Controlled

  • Generate Fluid Power

  • Move with Ease from the ground up

Course Feature

Wild Critter - Phase #4

  • Learn to Fall and Roll Safely Move as a Ball and not a stick, a fluid alive creature.

  • Incorporate Rolling into Life and all learned movements, walking, running, leaping, hopping, animal forms, etc.

Course Feature

Ninja Critter - Phase #5

  • Move and Hold a Protective Guard

    Leap, hop, fall, roll and stand from the ground without the use of your hands to prop you up, or catch you. Explore your durability and enjoy moving in a whole new way.

Course Feature

Limited Time!

Ancient Earth Skills Academy

Grand Opening Bonuses!

Amazing Bonuses!

  • Private Community: Join the Couch Potato to Wild Critter fitness family! Share your fun, your challenges, your experiences. Enjoy monthly live workouts. Get questions answered by the community so you are never second guessing or wasting time!

  • Customized Course: This phase of the course will be built around your specific needs as an early adopter. This is something that folks will not get to experience with the finished course! Tell us what you want/need to learn and do. What physically challenges do you currently face, wish to overcome, and master?

  • First 1000 people to sign up and order a private consultation get a 50% off a Fitness and Nutrition Consultation with Len, to promote ease and progress! That's a $50 value. So, if you are willing to invest in your self and your health, with these savings, you are basically getting this course for free.

Course Feature

What's Included In Couch Potato to Wild Critter

Easy simple easy to follow video tutorials
Easy simple easy to follow video tutorials
Daily Practice Exercises

Who Is This Course For?

  • People who wish to Maximize their Quality of Life

  • Those who value freedom of movement: balance, strength, fluidity, and ease at every level

  • Those willing to act & improve on the "hard to do"

  • People who are afraid of challenges and willing to overcome their fear via intelligent action and hands on study

  • Athletes raising the bar

  • Folks recovering from a sedentary life, or post PT

  • All who want to navigate the woods silently

  • All willing to learn how to be a more durable human

Who Is This Course NOT For?

  • Those not willing to take instructions and prefer to figure things out on your own via trial and error.

  • You do not care about your own health and wellness and aren't willing to do anything to change that.

  • Anyone who is not willing to push beyond their personal walls and overcome fears by facing them.

What Categories Do We Focus On?

  • Humans who want to fully re-wild their body

  • ​Folks who want to balance on one leg, improve their grip strength, and stand from the ground

  • ​Grandparents and Elders who want to avoid falls brought on by weak hip muscles, and poor balance

  • ​Athletes who want to master their proprioception

  • ​Outdoor enthusiasts, or hunters who want to traverse the landscape, and hike, stalk wild game, or climb trees quietly and easily

  • ​People who have to be still all day long, and need to move!

  • Anyone who finds exercise scary or intimidating, wishes to overcome the resistance to growth, and have fun in the process!

Meet Your Instructor

Meet Your Instructor

Short version of a long story....

My name is Len Mackey, born and raised near Potsdam, NY I first began observing natural movement tracking animals as a boy hunting, fishing and trapping with my father Dennis. I did karate, and played high school sports. Never a super talented athlete, I played football, and ran track to stay fit, and meet cute girls from other towns.

At that time I lived with pinched nerves and charley horses in my back. My legs are slightly different length, and plantigrade running F's up the alignment of my spine.

I had to see a physical therapist to help the problem of correcting my posture. What I thought was a curse, is now a blessing, because I have no choice but to exercise regularly.

I knew if I did nothing I'd slowly fall apart, and probably need back surgery like my Dad: who lost and never regained feeling and control in the lateral portion of his legs post-op. My father's condition, his inability to walk in the woods, and not knowing how to help my Grandma Joan prevent falls, which became regular after 83, really broke my heart, and pushed me hard to overcome.

My first year in college (1999) I took modern dance and yoga. This helped my back tremendously, but my balance, coordination, strength and power still felt limited, not as good as other's. I knew I had more potential and was hungry to learn.

Despite all the yoga, I still felt weak, and had no real muscle tone. Turning 30 I began P90X and serious resistance and interval training. At that time, I realized I had no choice, but to use it or lose it.

I worked out at home, because did not enjoy the gym vibe, and felt self conscious and awkward working out publicly. Unfortunately, I got lyme's disease, and didn't now WTF was wrong with me for about seven years.

I overcame this dreadful feeling through regular training and the study of Djembe, African and Caribbean dance, ballroom, improv, and especially in training others, and helping them get stronger too.

Every semester I taught 40-50 HIIT and Yoga classes a month, and doing all this in addition to my personal workouts. I was over training, and actually got weaker.

I always thought the harder I worked the more gains I would make, and I had to discover how specific exercise, and periodization actually affected the human body, so I got certified as a personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist. Here I learned how to help folks like myself recover from chronic problems, and how to keep moving in a restorative way post physical therapy.

Attending Tom Brown Jr's Tracker School, I was introduced to animal forms for the first time. A fabulous way to begin the day, I realized how challenging, beneficial and fun it was to move like a bear, an otter, a heron, or a hummingbird.

These re-wilding animal movements, coupled with Ninjutsu (a Japanese martial art), resistance and interval training, and the Dynamic Compass Lunge, Squat and Plank series, have become the foundation of my training protocol.

I have now tested these methods on thousands of people ranging in age from 7 to 92 years old. Sharing these tools and witnessing their success, beyond anything I could have imagined, brings me the greatest joy!

Giving folks the ability to play with their children and grandchildren, allowing college and pro athletes to reach the next level, stroke victims to heal their brains and bodies and ultimately recover the ability to balance and move freely, all bring a good purpose to my life.

Watching the change in people: the growth of their strength, balance and proprioception, improving every single week, gives me hope and the deepest satisfaction, enriching my heart and soul.

I also enjoy the added benefits of: being especially sneaky stalking animals while hunting in the woods, walking with confidence and awareness of my whole body, the ability to fall and roll safely, and the ability to defend myself if needed.

In the end I am glad to have suffered the pain of a crooked back, because it forced me to explore every avenue for answers, and lead me to this specific, unique form of training, and now the opportunity to improve so many lives.

I hope you're as excited as I am for you to beginning this training! Welcome to the Wild Critter community! We regularly host live group sessions that bring everyone to the next level. Can't wait to see you there!

Frequently Asked Questions

What skill level is this program for?


If you are just getting off the couch,

Coming from Physical Therapy and in the process of recovery, begin with the corrective phase: do only what you can do, move at your own pace, and patiently, carefully, with great love and humor progress through the workouts you need to address your imbalances, and Rise to the next level.

If you are Already Super Fit begin with the Low and Slow, or Nimble Critter phase. I promise the

The Dynamic Compass - Lunge, Squat and Plank Series

will show you the muscles you neglect,

No Matter how fit you are!

it will

Absolutely Improve your Balance and Strengthen All of your Weak Spots!

Already a Master of Rolling and Falling, and you can balance and stand from the ground with one leg, and with no hands? Awesome! Then Leap into the Ninja Critter Realm, explore the animal forms holding your guard, and enjoy the ride!

How long do I have access to the program & when does it start?

Our one of a kind,

Couch Potato to Wild Critter program

Begins as Soon as You Sign Up,


Lasts a Lifetime!

Can't I learn all of this on Youtube?

Nope. This is the only place in the world where people are moving in just this manner. The Dynamic Compass Lunge, Squat and Plank series is a unique study of the body moving 360°, from low to high levels: creating unparalleled stability and body awareness, and deeply impactful lifelong benefits.

Do I need to have any exercise equipment before starting?

You won't need much outside of your own body weight, and gravity. Having bands, free weights, or a pull up bar is useful, but if you can find some rocks, books, logs and the right tree branch, you're in business. If you lack space inside, then you can always move outdoors, in the fresh air, which is what Wild Critters often prefer.

Should I invest in Couch Potato to Wild Critter before investing in gym membership?

You won't need a gym membership with this program. It is complete in and of itself. However, I would never discourage anyone from investing in their health and growth. If it is easy for you to attend a gym and workout, definitely do it! You can practice these exercises anywhere, and doing them at the gym you will show people something they have never seen before, something that will absolutely challenge them, and get them out of their comfort zone in the most healthy way.

Is there a Guarantee?

Our Famous Guarantee

Absolutely - 7 Day Guarantee!

Couch Potato to Wild Critter has a 7-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely SATISFIED, CHALLENGED, and ENLIGHTENED by the Couch Potato to Wild Critter Program, then contact us within 7 Days for a full refund, no questions asked!

© 2025 Ancient Earth Skills

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DISCLAIMER: The fitness protocols and results of training stated on this landing page and discussed in the  Couch Potato to Wild Critter are our personal results and in some cases the results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are both typical, and not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results, some have an impairment that simply won't allow them to do so. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your current physical condition, what your doctor allows or does not allow you to do, your background, experience, and work ethic. All fitness training entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept full responsibility for your own actions, risk taking, and movement, please DO NOT PURCHASE The Couch Potato to Wild Critter Program.